One-Pan Roasted Salmon Supper

One-Pan Roasted Salmon Supper


 3/4 lb. cherry tomatoes
1/4 cup KRAFT Sun Dried Tomato Vinaigrette Dressing, partitioned
1 skin-on salmon filet (1 lb.)
1 lb. new asparagus lances
1/4 cup new basil, coarsely cleaved
3 cups hot cooked long-grain earthy colored rice


Heat broiler to 400ºF.Chocolate-chip-cookies.
Place tomatoes in material lined 15x10x1-inch container; shower with 1 Tbsp. dressing. Heat 5 min.
Add fish, skin side down, and asparagus to skillet; sprinkle with residual dressing.Why-you-should-give-pale-veggies-chance.
Heat 10 min. or then again until fish drops effectively with fork, becoming asparagus after 5 min. Move fish and asparagus to platter; top with basil. Present with rice.Cool. Appreciated it!
One-Pan Roasted Salmon Supper VIDEO

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